Max DB Replication Configuration for Standby modules
Scripts for automating standby Max Db
Shipping of the redo log backups
Once the standby instances data area contains a complete data backup of the primary instance, the standby instance can be updated by recovering log backups of the primary instance.
This is only possible if all redo log backups that had been created after the initial data backup had been done are applied in the order the backups where created.
If any log is missing in the sequence no further logs can be applied to the standby instance.
We need to ship log backups from Primary Maxdb Server - prodmaxdb server to DR server - stdmaxdb to the location lc_backup.
Secondly we need to ensure that log files which are shipped should have permission 666 and owner of the files should be sdb:sdba and slpadm has the permission to delete the same after applying.
At user home location save the scripts : restore.txt and
It only restores 1 log backup on each run.
Restore.txt has the commands that the dbmcli should execute once inside the dbmcli.
Contents of restore.txt
recover_start LOG_BACKUP LOG 1060
recover_replace LOG_BACKUP /lc_backup/LOG_BACKUP_060110 1061
The has the logic for changing restore.txt before executing it.
IND=`ls /lc_backup/LOG_BACKUP_060110* | cut -d. -f2 | sort -r | tail +2 | sort -r`
for i in $IND; do
ANT=`echo $i - 1 | bc`
POS=`echo $i + 1 | bc`
sed '/recover_start/s/'$ANT'/'$i'/g' /home/slpadm/restore.txt | sed '/recover_replace/s/'$i'/'$POS'/g' > /tmp/restore.$i.tmp
DIF=`diff /home/slpadm/restore.txt /tmp/restore.$i.tmp | wc -l`
if [[ $DIF == 0 ]] ; then
echo "Error"
cp /tmp/restore.$i.tmp /home/slpadm/restore.txt
chown sdb:sdba /lc_backup/*
chmod 666 /lc_backup/*
dbmcli -n [Primary Maxdb Server IP] -d SLP -u control,welcome -c -i /home/slpadm/restore.txt
if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
rm /lc_backup/LOG_BACKUP_060110.$i
rm /tmp/restore.$i.tmp
echo "Error"
exit 1
exit 0
We can check whether log file is applied or not by checking the output of the script located at /home/slpadm – MaxdbRestore.log
recover_start LOG_BACKUP LOG 1060
Returncode -8020
Date 20100820
Time 00100652
Server prodmaxdb
Database SLP
Kernel Version Kernel 7.6.04 Build 009-123-182-193
Pages Transferred 42688
Pages Left 0
Volumes 1
Medianame LOG_BACKUP
Location /lc_backup/LOG_BACKUP_060110.1060
Label LOG_000001060
Is Consistent
First LOG Page 43679963
Last LOG Page 43722628
DB Stamp 1 Date 20100814
DB Stamp 1 Time 00095734
DB Stamp 2 Date 20100816
DB Stamp 2 Time 00010840
Page Count 42666
Devices Used 1
Database ID prodmaxdb:DBID
Max Used Data Page
Converter Page Count
Also you can check the status of the database in Windows – Database Manager.
Scripts for automating standby Max Db
Shipping of the redo log backups
Once the standby instances data area contains a complete data backup of the primary instance, the standby instance can be updated by recovering log backups of the primary instance.
This is only possible if all redo log backups that had been created after the initial data backup had been done are applied in the order the backups where created.
If any log is missing in the sequence no further logs can be applied to the standby instance.
We need to ship log backups from Primary Maxdb Server - prodmaxdb server to DR server - stdmaxdb to the location lc_backup.
Secondly we need to ensure that log files which are shipped should have permission 666 and owner of the files should be sdb:sdba and slpadm has the permission to delete the same after applying.
At user home location save the scripts : restore.txt and
It only restores 1 log backup on each run.
Restore.txt has the commands that the dbmcli should execute once inside the dbmcli.
Contents of restore.txt
recover_start LOG_BACKUP LOG 1060
recover_replace LOG_BACKUP /lc_backup/LOG_BACKUP_060110 1061
The has the logic for changing restore.txt before executing it.
IND=`ls /lc_backup/LOG_BACKUP_060110* | cut -d. -f2 | sort -r | tail +2 | sort -r`
for i in $IND; do
ANT=`echo $i - 1 | bc`
POS=`echo $i + 1 | bc`
sed '/recover_start/s/'$ANT'/'$i'/g' /home/slpadm/restore.txt | sed '/recover_replace/s/'$i'/'$POS'/g' > /tmp/restore.$i.tmp
DIF=`diff /home/slpadm/restore.txt /tmp/restore.$i.tmp | wc -l`
if [[ $DIF == 0 ]] ; then
echo "Error"
cp /tmp/restore.$i.tmp /home/slpadm/restore.txt
chown sdb:sdba /lc_backup/*
chmod 666 /lc_backup/*
dbmcli -n [Primary Maxdb Server IP] -d SLP -u control,welcome -c -i /home/slpadm/restore.txt
if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
rm /lc_backup/LOG_BACKUP_060110.$i
rm /tmp/restore.$i.tmp
echo "Error"
exit 1
exit 0
We can check whether log file is applied or not by checking the output of the script located at /home/slpadm – MaxdbRestore.log
recover_start LOG_BACKUP LOG 1060
Returncode -8020
Date 20100820
Time 00100652
Server prodmaxdb
Database SLP
Kernel Version Kernel 7.6.04 Build 009-123-182-193
Pages Transferred 42688
Pages Left 0
Volumes 1
Medianame LOG_BACKUP
Location /lc_backup/LOG_BACKUP_060110.1060
Label LOG_000001060
Is Consistent
First LOG Page 43679963
Last LOG Page 43722628
DB Stamp 1 Date 20100814
DB Stamp 1 Time 00095734
DB Stamp 2 Date 20100816
DB Stamp 2 Time 00010840
Page Count 42666
Devices Used 1
Database ID prodmaxdb:DBID
Max Used Data Page
Converter Page Count
Also you can check the status of the database in Windows – Database Manager.